Archives for November 21, 2011

Bri & Abby, Mother Daughter Session, Fullerton, CA Photographer

I went to highschool with this beautiful mama, and her gorgeous daughter is one of my God-daughters.  I am so thankful to have them back in my life (we lost touch for a few years) and am so so happy I was able to capture the love between the two of them.  There is no love like the love of a mother and her baby… no matter how old that baby is…

Playing catch up on my everyday project!

So sorry I have been away!  I have been busy busy busy shooting, editing and spending time with the hubbs and the most adorable 9 month old I have ever seen! ;D  Just going to play catch up for a couple sessions!  Here’s more from my everyday project…

** Julian was the IVF miracle baby of one of my dearest friends… she was 19 weeks pregnant and due to an incompetent cervix, delivered him too early at 12:01am on November 16th.  He was perfect in every way <3  He's forever in our hearts**