Archives for February 13, 2013

Jackson’s Turning 2!!

Oh my little man…

I have no idea how this kid is going to be turning 2 next week.  It seems like not too long ago we were just bringing him home from the hospital.  My sweet miracle baby…

I’ll have more to say on that on his actual birthday, but for now I just wanted to share his 2 year photos we did this past weekend.  I don’t take nearly enough photos of him like I should.  One of my new year resolutions was to take more pictures of my own family (along with cutting back on sweets *hides empty box of Girl Scout cookies* )  I mean who could get tired of looking at THIS face!? 😉


Amy Clemons Photography | Southern CA Photographer

Amy Clemons Photography | Southern CA Photographer

Amy Clemons Photography | Southern CA Photographer

Amy Clemons Photography | Southern CA Photographer

Amy Clemons Photography | Southern CA Photographer

Amy Clemons Photography | Southern CA Photographer

Amy Clemons Photography | Southern CA Photographer

Amy Clemons Photography | Southern CA Photographer

Amy Clemons Photography | Southern CA Photographer

Amy Clemons Photography | Southern CA Photographer

Amy Clemons Photography | Southern CA Photographer


My awesome Hubbs was so kind to snap this of J and I exploring after our shoot… I’m thinking this needs to be blown up big for my office 🙂  Love my guy.

Amy Clemons Photography | Southern CA Photographer