Archives for October 21, 2011

Bolton Family Fall Session, Tanaka Farms, Irvine, CA Photographer

Sarah, the mom of this beautiful family, is sisters with Theresa from my post a couple entries back and we were lucky enough to be able to photograph both families on the same day at beauiful Tanaka Farms in Irvine, CA.  The last time I saw Sarah and her little guy, I was taking pictures of him for last father’s day as a surprise gift to his daddy, and I can’t believe how much he has grown since then!  He is sooo cute!  This little family was so fun to work with and I love the way they all interact with each other!  Thanks Boltons!!

Mr J poses for an ad! Los Angeles, CA Photographer

The people over at asked if I would do pictures and use my son as a model for an ad they are going to run in LA Mom’s Magazine.  You should check out the link if you are a baseball fan!  It is such an amazing archive of all of baseball history.  The pictures in that thing are incredible and they even have Abner Doubleday’s (the creator of baseball) original sketch of the game in there!  I just wanted to post my favorite from the shoot today.  Look how big Mr. J is getting!  I can’t get over how adorable he is!

*click photo to enlarge*